
At TecnoFor we have discovered that companies behave like any other group of people. In your life there are people who are inside and people who are outside. And there are people who are neither inside nor outside. You are part of various ecosystems in which you live and coexist. They are your spheres of movement.

At TecnoFor we know that you exist, that you are all around us, like the air we breathe: nourishing us, enriching us and making us bigger. Is that not enough? You are part of our TecnoSfera: people who approach TecnoFor at a given moment, who accompany us on the road… or just on a walk.

We want you to know that we like having you there. We have always liked it, but now it’s easier: TecnoFor You, the platform from which we open a new channel with our TecnoSfera. With you. For You.

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