For Jira
Set up in less than a week
and ready to use straight out of box

Plug & Play
A powerful Ticketing tool on a pre-designed platform
Single platform
All of your processes centralized in a single place
We are launching a new version of ITSM For Jira!
With the latest ITSM guidelines in your Jira to optimally manage your services
Get your personalized
quote Online
01 Give meaning to your customer relationships
- A customer portal based on the needs of your users.
- Design of pre-established requests with the most common processes needed to tackle critical issues.
- Automatic ticket prioritization matrix.
- Automated messages to keep users informed in real time and with minimal effort.
- Multiple communication channels: customer portal, chat, or email.
- Pre-configured knowledge base to help users solve their most frequent issues.

02 Make your processes really efficient
- Incident, request, and change management all in the same space, but each with its own defined process.
- Predefined workflows and SLAs based on the best design practices.
- Ticket escalation to both internal and external teams.
- Major incident management and automatic time-based ticket closure.
- Pre-designed ticket approval model and request traceability.
- E-mail notifications and standardized user relationship model.
- Recommended knowledge base articles for both agents and users.
03 Keep your assets linked to reality
- Pre-configured CMDB with over 50 different asset definitions.
- Directly link assets to the customer portal or Jira tickets.
- Limit what assets are shown to each user when opening a request.

04 Your Service Management under control at a glance
- Predefined metrics and KPIs based on our experience.
- Pre-designed dashboards designed based on what information each profile needs.
- Real-time update of all data visualization.

An accessible and simple portal for customers to use
Find everything you need in just one click.

Call it what it is
No more unclassified requests. Find precisely what you need without going on endless search quests.

Everything at your customer’s fingertips
Find all related articles and recommended requests with just a few simple keywords.

Virtual support chat
Real-time virtual support chat for users to request assistance or open an issue. Couldn’t be any easier!

An agent-only view, prioritizing what’s important
With direct links to any related assets, a clear picture of the problem to be solved, and all necessary fields without any extras – just what an agent needs, no more and no less.

Organized and prioritized queues
Everything in its place: requests, incidents, or changes, organized and prioritized in their corresponding queues.

Classify critical incidents and keep everyone posted
Identify those crucial incidents and categorize them, so they don’t go unnoticed.

Real-time change scheduler
Let the whole team know when changes are planned, what they may affect, and what maintenance windows are needed.

Custom dashboards
All the information you need, accessible to everyone, and 100% up-to-date. From an agent’s day-to-day to the evolution of the entire service over months.