Our new Jira connector for Process Mining will change the whole Atlassian Partner Channel


Pablo GuresoWhen in 2020 Atlassian announced it was retiring Server to accelerate migration to Cloud, the portfolio of services from an Atlassian partner like TecnoFor had a significant technical component: From designing the infrastructure where Jira ran, platforming for IaaS, communications, database backup, version upgrades….

All these services would disappear in 2024 when Atlassian would provide them from its SaaS platform.That meant that we partners had to look for new ways to help our customers, new services, new lines of revenue…

As Atlassian partners, we were doomed to reinvent ourselves within a maximum of 3 years. It was clear that we could no longer do work ON the platform, but ON the platform.

The optimization of workflows is the future

That is why in TecnoFor, which has 20 years of experience in processes, we saw clearly that the future was in the optimization of workflows, in improving the organization of our customers through the efficiency of their operations.

Taking advantage of the Celonis boom, which has put Process Mining on the map, we saw that this technology would help us to identify processes, analyze them and propose improvements to our customers.

In the case of TecnoFor, it will reinforce our identity as a process consultant. But Atlassian does not have an internal Process Mining engine, and did not even have an automatic way of extracting this data to load into a Process Mining tool. It was a totally manual process, taking days of work for each data load.

So at TecnoFor we created a connector that allowed to integrate any Jira with any Process Mining tool. (Note: two years of research and development).

A connector that allowed to integrate any Jira with any Process Mining tool

The connector solved the problem and enabled the new line of business… but the customer still needed to have a Process Mining tool and not all companies have one. So at the end of 2023 we asked ourselves THE QUESTION: What if when we extracted the data and transformed it, instead of sending it to a Process Mining tool we integrated it into a Dashboard in Jira itself?

Túnel futurista

In this way, any Atlassian consultant in the world, without the need of data processing knowledge, and without the need of a Process Mining tool, will be able to start analyzing the performance of their processes and propose improvements to their client.


Technology created by TecnoFor, that no one else in the world has, and where we are a couple of years ahead of the competition… but the important thing is that what we have done is useful. The most important thing is this new opportunity is not something that we are going to keep just for TecnoFor. Atlassian and its ecosystem has given us a lot: it took us in when we were small, young, struggling… and now it’s time to give it back.

We are available to any partner in the world who wants to create a new line of business to reinvent its future, based on the optimization of its customers’ processes. We provide training for their consultants, technical support in the first projects, and of course access to our Process Analytics connector.

This is what we will present to the world next April 30 at  Team ’24, Atlassian’s annual conference in Las Vegas. If you’re there, come see us at booth 26 and we’ll show it to you (and to the rest of the world very soon).


Pablo Grueso - April 26, 2024 / Share it: